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Quinn Abilities

Demacia's Wings

975 6300
Quinn is a Marksman and Fighter champion in League of Legends.

Quinn Base Stats

Level: - +
  • Health: 565 (+107 per level)
  • Health Regen: 5.5 (+0.55 per level)
  • Mana: 269 (+35 per level)
  • Mana Regen: 7 (+0.4 per level)
  • Attack Damage: 59 (+2.7 per level)
  • Attack Speed: 0.67 (+3.1% per level)
  • Armor: 28 (+4.7 per level)
  • Magic Resist: 30 (+1.3 per level)
  • Movement Speed: 330

Quinn's Damage Type

The damage type that Quinn deals is mostly Physical Damage.

Quinn's damage type breakdowns as follows:

  • Physical Damage: 85.77%
  • Magic Damage: 9.76%
  • True Damage: 4.48%

Quinn Recommended Items

Based on statistics across all regions

Quinn Abilities - Patch 13.21

Quinn Harrier
Quinn Blinding Assault
Quinn Heightened Senses
Quinn Vault
Quinn Behind Enemy Lines
Quinn Harrier


Cooldown: 8 - 2.9

Quinn Passive

Valor periodically marks enemies as Vulnerable for 4 seconds. Quinn's first basic attack against Vulnerable targets will deal 10 - 95 (based on level) (+ 16 - 50% attack damage [based on level]) bonus physical damage.

The cooldown of Harrier is reduced by critical strike chance.

Quinn Blinding Assault

Blinding Assault

Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 manaRange: 1025

Quinn Q

Valor flies in a line, marking the first enemy he hits as Vulnerable and reducing its vision radius dramatically for 1.75 seconds. He then deals 20/40/60/80/100 (+80/90/100/110/120% Attack Damage) (+50% bonus Ability Power) physical damage to all nearby enemies.

If the primary target is not a champion, it cannot attack for 1.75 seconds.

Quinn Heightened Senses

Heightened Senses

Cooldown: 50/45/40/35/30Range: 2100

Quinn W

Passive: Attacking a Vulnerable target increases Quinn's Attack Speed by 28/36/44/52/60% and Movement Speed by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds.

Active: Valor reveals a large area nearby for 2 seconds.

Quinn Vault


Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8Cost: 50 manaRange: 675

Quinn E

Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing 40/65/90/115/140 (+20% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage while Valor marks it as Vulnerable.

Upon reaching the target, Quinn leaps off, briefly displacing and slowing it by 50% (diminishing over 1.5 seconds).

Quinn Behind Enemy Lines

Behind Enemy Lines

Cooldown: 3Cost: 100/50/0 manaRange: 700

Quinn R

Quinn calls down Valor to assist her. After a 2 second channel, they unite, gaining 70/100/130% Total Movement Speed and the ability to cast Skystrike by recasting this ability or taking offensive action.

Skystrike: Quinn and Valor deal 70% Attack Damage physical damage to nearby enemies and mark champions with Vulnerable. Casting Skystrike ends Behind Enemy Lines.

Being damaged by non-minions removes the movement speed bonus for 3 seconds.

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