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Yasuo Abilities

the Unforgiven

975 6300
Yasuo is a Fighter and Assassin champion in League of Legends.

Yasuo Base Stats

Level: - +
  • Health: 590 (+101 per level)
  • Health Regen: 6.5 (+0.9 per level)
  • Attack Damage: 60 (+3 per level)
  • Attack Speed: 0.70 (+3.5% per level)
  • Armor: 30 (+4.6 per level)
  • Magic Resist: 32 (+2.05 per level)
  • Movement Speed: 345

Yasuo's Damage Type

The damage type that Yasuo deals is mostly Physical Damage.

Yasuo's damage type breakdowns as follows:

  • Physical Damage: 88.01%
  • Magic Damage: 8.65%
  • True Damage: 3.34%

Yasuo Recommended Items

Based on statistics across all regions

Yasuo Abilities - Patch 13.21

Yasuo Way of the Wanderer
Yasuo Steel Tempest
Yasuo Wind Wall
Yasuo Sweeping Blade
Yasuo Last Breath
Yasuo Way of the Wanderer

Way of the Wanderer

Yasuo Passive

Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is doubled. Additionally, Yasuo builds toward a shield whenever he is moving. The shield triggers when he takes damage from a champion or monster and absorbs 125 - 600 damage.

Critical strike chance above 150% is converted into 0.4 bonus attack damage per 1% additional critical strike chance.

Yasuo Steel Tempest

Steel Tempest

Cooldown: 4Range: 475

Yasuo Q

Thrusts forward, dealing 20/45/70/95/120 (+105% Attack Damage) physical damage.

On hit, Steel Tempest grants a stack of Gathering Storm for 6 seconds. At 2 stacks, Steel Tempest fires a whirlwind that knocks Airborne.

Steel Tempest is treated as a basic attack: It can critically strike (+60% critical damage), applies on-hit effects, is interruptible by crowd control and its cooldown and cast time are reduced by Attack Speed.

If cast while dashing, Steel Tempest will strike as a circle.

Yasuo Wind Wall

Wind Wall

Cooldown: 25/23/21/19/17/15Range: 400

Yasuo W

Creates a moving wall that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.

Yasuo Sweeping Blade

Sweeping Blade

Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 (on same target)Range: 475

Yasuo E

Dashes through target enemy, dealing 60/70/80/90/100 (+60% bonus Ability Power) (+20% bonus Attack Damage) Magic Damage. Each cast increases your next dash's base Damage by 15-25%, stacking up to 4 times.

Cannot be re-cast on the same enemy for 10/9/8/7/6 seconds.

If cast while dashing, Steel Tempest will strike as a circle.

Yasuo Last Breath

Last Breath

Cooldown: 70/50/30Range: 1400

Yasuo R

Blinks to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing 200/350/500 (+150% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and holding all Airborne enemies in the area in the air for an additional 1 second. Grants maximum Flow but resets all stacks of Gathering Storm.

For 15 seconds, Yasuo's critical strikes gain 50% Bonus Armor Penetration - this affects Armor from items, buffs, runes and masteries.

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