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Jhin Abilities

the Virtuoso

975 6300
Jhin is a Marksman and Assassin champion in League of Legends.

Jhin Base Stats

Level: - +
  • Health: 655 (+107 per level)
  • Health Regen: 3.75 (+0.55 per level)
  • Mana: 300 (+50 per level)
  • Mana Regen: 6 (+0.8 per level)
  • Attack Damage: 59 (+4.7 per level)
  • Attack Speed: 0.63 (+0% per level)
  • Armor: 24 (+4.7 per level)
  • Magic Resist: 30 (+1.3 per level)
  • Movement Speed: 330

Jhin's Damage Type

The damage type that Jhin deals is mostly Physical Damage.

Jhin's damage type breakdowns as follows:

  • Physical Damage: 90.03%
  • Magic Damage: 8.26%
  • True Damage: 1.72%

Jhin Recommended Items

Based on statistics across all regions

Jhin Abilities - Patch 13.21

Jhin Whisper
Jhin Dancing Grenade
Jhin Deadly Flourish
Jhin Captive Audience
Jhin Curtain Call
Jhin Whisper


Jhin Passive

Jhin's hand cannon, Whisper, is a precise instrument designed to deal superior damage. It fires at a fixed rate and carries only four shots.
Jhin imbues the final bullet with dark magics to critically strike and deal 15/20/25% of the target's missing health bonus execute damage (at levels 1/6/11) (150% Attack Damage to structures).

Whenever Whisper crits, it inspires Jhin with a burst of movement speed.

Jhin Dancing Grenade

Dancing Grenade

Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 manaRange: 550

Jhin Q

Jhin launches a cartridge at the targeted enemy that deals 45/70/95/120/145 (+35/42.5/50/57.5/65% Attack Damage) (+60% bonus Ability Power) physical damage before bouncing to a nearby target that has not yet been hit.

The cartridge can hit a maximum of 4 times. Each kill by the cartridge increases the damage of subsequent hits by 35%.

Jhin Deadly Flourish

Deadly Flourish

Cooldown: 12Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 manaRange: 3000

Jhin W

Jhin fires a long range shot that stops on the first champion hit, dealing 60/95/130/165/200 (+50% Attack Damage) physical damage to it, and 75% of that damage to minions and monsters hit along the way.

If Deadly Flourish strikes a champion that has been hit by one of Jhin's Lotus Traps, or damaged by Jhin's team within the last 4 seconds it will root them for 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds and grant Jhin movement speed as though he had crit them.

Jhin Captive Audience

Captive Audience

Cooldown: 2Cost: 30 manaRange: 750

Jhin E

Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap that lasts 3 minutes and activates when stepped on, revealing nearby enemies for 4 seconds.

The trap leaves behind a zone that slows enemies inside by 35% and detonates after 2 seconds, dealing 24/21.5/19/16.5/14 (+120% Attack Damage) (+100% bonus Ability Power) magic damage (65% damage on subsequent hits and vs. minions and monsters).

Jhin prepares a new trap every 28/25/22/19/16 seconds and can store 2 at once.

Beauty in Death - When Jhin kills an enemy champion a Lotus Trap will spawn and detonate where they were killed.

Jhin Curtain Call

Curtain Call

Cooldown: 120/105/90Cost: 100 manaRange: 25000

Jhin R

Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots at extreme range in a cone in front of him. The shots stop on the first champion hit, slowing it by 80% for 0.5 seconds and dealing 64/154/244 (+25% Attack Damage) physical damage, increased by 4% for each 1% health the target is missing (up to 175/402.5/630 (+30% Attack Damage)). The 4th shot crits for 100% damage.

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