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Ekko Abilities

the Boy Who Shattered Time

975 6300
Ekko is an Assassin and Fighter champion in League of Legends.

Ekko Base Stats

Level: - +
  • Health: 655 (+99 per level)
  • Health Regen: 9 (+0.9 per level)
  • Mana: 280 (+70 per level)
  • Mana Regen: 7 (+0.8 per level)
  • Attack Damage: 58 (+3 per level)
  • Attack Speed: 0.69 (+3.3% per level)
  • Armor: 32 (+4.2 per level)
  • Magic Resist: 32 (+2.05 per level)
  • Movement Speed: 340

Ekko's Damage Type

The damage type that Ekko deals is mostly Magic Damage.

Ekko's damage type breakdowns as follows:

  • Magic Damage: 71.36%
  • True Damage: 16.11%
  • Physical Damage: 12.54%

Ekko Recommended Items

Based on statistics across all regions

Ekko Abilities - Patch 13.21

Ekko Z-Drive Resonance
Ekko Timewinder
Ekko Parallel Convergence
Ekko Phase Dive
Ekko Chronobreak
Ekko Z-Drive Resonance

Z-Drive Resonance

Cooldown: 5 (on target)

Ekko Passive

Ekko's Zero-Drive charges his spells and attacks with temporal energy. The third hit deals 30 - 140 (based on level) (+ 90% bonus Ability Power) bonus damage and, if the target is a champion, Ekko gains 50/60/70/80% accelerated movement speed for 2/2.5/3 seconds (deals 200% damage against monsters).

Z-Drive Resonance cannot affect the same target more than once every 5 seconds.

Ekko Timewinder


Cooldown: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 manaRange: 1075

Ekko Q

Ekko throws a device that deals 70/85/100/115/130 (+30% bonus Ability Power) magic damage to enemies it passes through. It expands into a slowing field on the first champion hit, slowing everything inside by 40/45/50/55/60%. It then returns to him after a delay, dealing 40/65/90/115/140 (+60% bonus Ability Power) magic damage to all targets hit upon return.

Ekko Parallel Convergence

Parallel Convergence

Cooldown: 22/20/18/16/14Cost: 30/35/40/45/50 manaRange: 1600

Ekko W

Passive: Ekko's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to enemies under 30% health equal to 3% (+3% bonus Ability Power%) of their missing health. Deals a minimum of 15 damage, and a maximum of 150 damage vs. minions and monsters.

Active: After a 3 second delay, Ekko creates a short-lived chronosphere at the target location that slows enemies who enter by 40%. If Ekko enters the sphere, he will detonate it, gaining a shield that absorbs up to 100/120/140/160/180 (+150% bonus Ability Power) damage for 2 seconds. Enemies caught inside are stunned for 2.25 seconds.

Ekko Phase Dive

Phase Dive

Cooldown: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 manaRange: 325

Ekko E

Ekko dashes a short distance in the targeted direction. His next attack will deal 50/75/100/125/150 (+40% bonus Ability Power) bonus magic damage and teleport him to his target.

Ekko Chronobreak


Cooldown: 110/80/50Cost: 100 manaRange: 850

Ekko R

Ekko turns back time, going briefly untargetable and invulnerable. He teleports to where he was 4 seconds ago and deals 200/350/500 (+175% bonus Ability Power) magic damage to nearby enemies on arrival. Additionally, Ekko heals for 100/150/200 (+6% bonus Ability Power), increased by 3% for each 1% of his health lost over the last 4 seconds.

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