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How to import a custom item set

Find how to import a custom item set to your League of Legends client

If you have created a custom Item Build using our Item Builder you can download it and import it into your League of Legends' client by following these easy steps.

First go to the item section and create your custom item set. Once you've created your item set there are some options that allows you to customize it.
If you want to bind the item set to a champion, first click in the box Nº1 and then select the champion you want (Nº2) as shown in the picture below.

Importing custom item sets

You can also specify to which map this item set will be bound to. The default map for every item set is Summoner's Rift

Importing custom item sets

After you've chosen the map and the champion you can proceed to download the item set to your computer as a .JSON file. Click on the Save Button as shown in the picture.

Importing custom item sets

A dialog box will open asking for your confirmation to download the file. Click yes and select the directory to which you want to save the file.

Importing custom item sets

The next step is to open your League of Legends' client and go to Collection -> Items. Once there you should find two buttons in case you don't have any item set already. One of those buttons is Import Item Set. Click there and then click Select a file.

Importing custom item sets

A dialog box will open as shown in the picture. Locate the file you've downloaded to your computer and then click Open.

Importing custom item sets

Once you've selected the file, it should be imported to the game as shown in the following images.

Importing custom item sets
Importing custom item sets

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